always note the liking and disliking mind

11You must always note the liking and disliking mind because it is when the mind gets involved and it likes or dislikes, that mindfulness disappears.Note the thinking mind always in daily activities and walking (not only when you are sitting). If it persists look straight into it. It’s just another mind.So you know there is thinking process. Know that some thinking process is going on.Ignore the content of it. Never get involved in the content, in the story. ought content is concept, that function of the mind that ‘makes’ thinking is paramattha. (Ultimate reality).e mind is not concept but the voices you hear in it are; the images you see the words, and thoughts in it are. e mind is paramattha.ought is movement you can observe that when the mind goes from stillness to ‘thinking.’So note the thinking mind if it persists look straight into it. In the case of irritated mind, don’t note, just look at that mind. What’s it irritated with? Find out first and keep watching it.Be constant and don’t expect anything soon.If you see a person that you don’t like, don’t look at that person, look at your mind. (Do not follow the dislike in your mind! Just watch it).at person might be passing you by. You don’t like that person at that time but that person is not doing anything to you. You are doing it to your self.


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